카테고리 없음

[스크랩] 알렉스 존스 : 미스테리 한 질병이 들불처럼 확산되고있다!

춘종 2014. 1. 6. 10:42

알렉스 존스 : 미스테리  질병이 들불처럼 확산되고있다!


 2014  1 월에는 3 일에 게시

그것은 슈퍼 벌레가 지금 전국 각지에서 만연가는 것이 모두 궁금합니다일반적인 감기와 같은 사소한 것들에 대한 처방되는 항생제의 과용이 자득이고 같은 수술  추진 약은 그들이 배우는 것입니다약은 42 주를 스토킹이 치명적인 박테리아를 중지   없습니다.

카바 페넴균에 저항하는 장내 세균은 피해자의 40 %를 죽인다. CRE의 박테리아를 죽일 수있는 효과적인 약물은 앞으로 생산 될 것이다.


CRE 감염은 이미 뉴욕로스 앤젤레스와 시카고 등의 미국의 주요 인구 밀집 지역에서 발병합니다오리건위스콘신미네소타펜실베니아메릴랜드버지니아와 사우스 캐롤라이나를 포함하여 국가의 대부분에 보고된바 있다.

Alex Jones: Mysterious Illness is Spreading Like Wildfire!

  • Published on Jan  3, 2014           
    Is it any wonder that a superbug is now going rampant across the Country. With the overuse of antibiotics being prescribed at every turn for the slightest things such as the common cold, which it does nothing for.This is coming home to roost and this is the result of that.I have learned that doctors are very good at 2 things: surgery and pushing pills as this is what they are taught to do. Drugs can’t stop this deadly bacteria stalking 42 states.
    Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae kills 40 percent of its victims. There is little chance that an effective drug to kill CRE bacteria will be produced in the coming years.
    CRE infections already are endemic in several major U.S. population centers, including NY, Los Angeles and Chicago. Smaller pockets of cases have been reported across much of the country, including Oregon, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and South Carolina.


출처 : 프리메이슨 연구모임(프.연.모)
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