Imagine how foolish it would be that one would stand at the edge of an overlook that oversees a massive forrest fire and instead of seeing the fire you are watching flying squirrels! Folks do not be surprised that the system is purging itself, all that is being done with these recent spat of banker suicides is the financial equivalent of a murderer cleaning the crime scene with bleach.
You can get caught up in the drama that is unfolding but miss the bigger picture and that picture is that the western banksters have lost and they are panicking. You have to understand the significance of this, over a year ago the dominant conversation was about the IMF special drawing rites. A basket of currencies all floating and anchored by the "BanCor" an IMF currency. This idea has been shot to flames.
The IMF is a western banking institution and is fundamental as the backbone of the "BEAST" system. With the rejection of western banking, the use of Gold as a settlement for trade and a rearrangement to the East (Russian & China) as the balance of power. It seems for all intents and purposes the end of the Western (Anglo-American) banking system will also derail: globalization, one-world government, one world currency, one world religion and anything else that the globalist have worked on for the last 200 years.
This is bad news for globalists and sheep dipped Americans who will share a similar fate. This how ever is good news for the world and for sound banking and trade in general. As I stated in my last post, the world in general is done with the dollar, this is no longer an empty axiom or statement but a practical reality. Recently China dumped more US debt to the tune of $48 Billion.
They along with the rest of the world have figured out that they can exchange worthless dollars with hard assets. By holding and being pegged to worthless dollars they become victims to the wild fluctuations of dollar, when the FED tapers, price on food and energy jump in reaction causing massive pressure on those that are vulnerable to such fluctuations like the emerging market.
Folks the question becomes why the dumping? Simple here is the answer: why hold onto a currency that is at the center of FOREX fraud and the chief currency manipulator? Right you do not want to hold on an "asset" like that, what you want to do is bring this system to its end and you do that by cutting it's legs from underneath it. You kill it's link to oil (Petro-Dollar) and you kill it's world reserve status (treasuries) by dumping it.
A Dangerous Place
We have moved into the most dangerous place, we are witnessing right before our very eyes the end of an entire system. The loose ends are being tied and there is no limit to what a desperate system will do in order to preserve THE LIE. The desperation can lead to many violent and careless things, history has shown as that this phase of a collapse is the time the systems sins are laid to bare. The public by and large do not trust the system and the politicians who serve it.
Though the average American has no concept of the danger as to why a Central Bank should NOT be the main driver of ones stock, bond and real estate market; the rest of the world does . I fear that the systematic dumping of the dollar will lead a desperate US with no allies and no friends alone and a pariah on the world stage, will turn cannibalistic and devour it's own population.
The recent revelations by Snowden are just the tip of an already ominous iceberg. The world is sick of our dollar, sick of our spying, sick of our internet, sick of our aggression, sick of our policies, and most of all they are SICK OF US as the lone superpower. America is falling into itself and NOT a single shot has been fired. The world is moving on without America.
중국이 미국의 눈치를 보면서 몰래 버리는 것하고,대놓고 버리는 것하고는 차이가 있습니다.
그간 중국은 미 국채를 투매해 버리지 않고,대신 JP모건이나 웰스파고등 미국의 주요은행들에 입금시켜,다시 레버리지(액면가의 5~10배)를 얻어 대출을 받아서 부동산,광물,실물자산등을 되사는 방법 - 역이용하여 싹쓸이하다시피,심지어 디트로이트에 있는 낡은 공장들도 사들였죠 - 을 취했었습니다.
즉,미 국채를 대놓고 팔아서 바로 현금으로 바꿔 달러를 처분한 것이 아니라,대신 지능적인 방법으로 대출레버리지를 얻었던 것이죠.대놓고 던져 버린건 아니었습니다.
하지만 최종순간까지 눈치게임은 계속될 수 밖에 없습니다.마지막 순간엔 손해보지 않으려면 정말 달러(=종이)를 버려야 합니다.(→국채시장의 붕괴)
지금이 그때인가요? 달러패권을 지키기위해 외환거래시장(Forex)에서 조작을 일삼았던 일들에 대한 폭로를 앞두고 7명의 대형은행 중견간부들이 싸늘한 시체로 발견되고 있습니다.
이에 대해 게릴라 이코노미스트 V는,
Folks do not be surprised that the system is purging itself, all that is being done with these recent spat of banker suicides is the financial equivalent of a murderer cleaning the crime scene with bleach.
"시스템자체가 자정(自淨)과정을 거치고 있음에 놀라지 말아라.최근에 은행가들의 일련의 자살소동은 살해자들(?)이 범죄현장을 표백제로 소독하는 것과 같은 과정이니까.."