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[스크랩] 미국의 수돗물의 실체

춘종 2013. 8. 12. 09:35

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura on truTV's photo.

제시벤추라의 음모론 Tru TV의  사진입니다.

This is what is left over after distilling 9 liters of tap water. Fluoride, mercury, aluminium, lead, arsenic, cadmium. A soup of heavy metals. Did you consent ...
to this?



수돗물을 9리터의 물을 증류후 필터한 찌꺼기에 남은 물

그 다양한 중금속 스프처럼, 불소, 수은, 알루미늄, 납, 아젠, 카드뮴 등이 들어 있어요. 

어떻게 생각하세요? 


아래는 환경과 관련된, 동영상 주소들입니다.


Via The Girl Against Fluoride

Solution: Reverse Osmosis filtering.
Find more info & what you can do locally at


An Inconvenient Tooth
Like Page:
Watch: http://youtu.be/sh-oeu2L8yM

The Fluoride Deception(Chris Bryson) - http://youtu.be/Q3y8uwtxrHo

The Fluoride Deception (Mike Adams) - http://youtu.be/LEZ15m-D_n8

The Fluoride Deception (Stanley Monteith) - http://youtu.be/dA2hil0iKsk

Professional Perspectives on Water Fluoridation - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88pfVo3bZLY

The Bizarre History of Fluoride - http://youtu.be/4UTSEd7u6Yk

Fire Water: Australia's Industrial Fluoridation Disgrace - http://youtu.be/XfiCP3HYxFg

Fluoride: The Hard to Swallow Truth - http://youtu.be/7aTfyo0Xz_c
출처 : Jorjue`s Blog
글쓴이 : jorjue 원글보기
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